Beautiful Soul Searcher, Are You Ready to Effortlessly:
- Release and Finally Heal Old Trauma, Anxiety and Depression
- Clear Lack Mentality, Unworthiness and Anger
- Reset Old Thought Patterns
- Resolve Self-Doubt and Guilt that Stand in The Way of Your Self-Expression
- Gain Clarity and the Ability to Easily Accept Support From Others
- Feel More Energized
- Replenish Your Energy and Recharge
- Have Harmony and Balance In Your Home Life, Relationships and Business
- Embody the Confidence and Charisma Necessary to Fulfill Your Purpose
If you answered, "YES!" to any of these you are in the right place!
Using a revolutionary and proprietary Reiki delivery system, Reiki Daily delivers customized 60 minute Reiki sessions to you every day. This daily energy boost provides you with support, nourishment and motivation to blast through blocks, gracefully release past traumas and power up your life. The sessions require no effort on your part - no scheduling, no time commitment, no excuses.
Just imagine. What could you create with an extra boost of Reiki healing every day?
As a member of Reiki Daily You Will Receive...
A 60-minute Customized Reiki Session Every Day for a Year!
The trick with self-care is the most benefit is received when it is done regularly and consistently. It’s like going to the gym, you can’t expect to go to the gym once and get rock-hard abs. You have to work at it and be consistent. The same is true when receiving the benefits of Reiki. The trick is making time in your busy schedule to receive regular sessions. Which leads us to benefit #2 of Reiki Daily….
A Complete Self-Care Experience with No Added Time Commitment or Hassle
Through the magic of multi-dimensionality, your customized 60-minute Reiki Daily session, is delivered when YOU are most safely open to receive it. This means no added scheduling, no variation from your daily routine, no added time commitment on your part is necessary to receive the on-going benefits of adding Reiki to your self-care regimen. We do all the “work” for you, you just have to say “Yes” to the process.
Access to the Exclusive Reiki Daily Member Community
Often times the self-aware can feel isolated by their sensitivities and heightened sense of awareness. This is why we developed the exclusive Reiki Daily Community. In this safe, supportive online community you can reach out to other like-minded Reiki Daily members to create and establish nourishing, heart-centered bonds with like-minded individuals from all over the globe. You will also have to access to daily energy updates, mindset resources, insider access to Megan for additional support and Q & A and much more!
Here's what people just like you have experienced participating in the Reiki Daily program....
I just wanted to share my feedback from the Reiki energy healing. I felt so peaceful, very peaceful yesterday afternoon and evening. And I continue to feel the peace today. This program is amazing. My body feels more calm and relaxed and less tense. I feel so much positive energies. I am looking forward to more positive energy healing. It's working! Thank you Megan!! Thank you for doing this Reiki energy healing.
I feel a wave of good vibes. Because I can feel you sending me good energies. I feel much better today. I am no longer grieving. I learned to enjoy life and to not procrastinate on my life purpose. I have a dream to write books, angel books, and fairy tales. I am also feeling very inspired. The Reiki Energy program helped alot!! Everyday I feel better and better. I have stopped worrying about money. I think I'm realizing that the less I worry adn the less I obsess about money, then money will show up easily...Thank you, Megan!
Lisa S.I have been doing a comparison on before, after and during. It was a blessing to receive this. I have been struggling with stuff and I feel more capable of doing what needs to be done. I miss the anticipation of receiving Reiki as well as the sweet energy of it. I would do it again! I feel that this is extremely helpful for those of us who feel they are unable, too busy or unwilling to leave the house. I am grateful that you have decided to do this program and that I can be a participant of it! Thank You!
Kathryn BrownThe Reiki Recharge came at a perfect time for me as Day 1 was also Day 1 of my pure green juice fast. I am teaching a Reiki Class Sept 27th so wanted to fast and "re-clean re-charge" my system. I have to share that going into today I have had NO headaches, no cravings, no detox symptoms at all! My very first Reiki class I attended was back in 2007 and to this day it still amazes me to the gentle healing and supportive power. = ) Happy Reiki Day!
Carol Heaps Longacre
I slept deeper than I have in a very long time last night and did have dreams that I can not remember. I asked my spirit guides how I benefited from this healing and they said "I am grounding in to my body more deeply and am noticing how expansive my energy field is. I have a stronger and more prominent presence in this world".
Cory HaleMegan, thank you for doing this, and for inviting me in. I don't remember what I put in my questionnaire, but it just came really clear to me that what I want most is to clear whatever is blocking me from allowing my community in...whatever fears, lack of trust, it[s all old stuff and I'm totally willing to have this healed and released. I'm not sure if this is the place to say this, or if this is something to even ask for. It does feel like a safe place to say it out loud though.
Kazzrie Jaxen Vibrant Living with KazzrieThank you so much! This past summer I went through a difficult transition in my life (my relationship ended, I moved out so I lost my financial security) and I was stuck in fear, lack and procrastination mode and by the time this program came around I had already done a lot of healing and clearing to raise my frequency so that I could move forward in a positive way and I was on my way but I still felt a lot of heavy emotions including a lot of sadness about my relationship. By the end of our week together I felt a big shift and I've been in a joyful productive mode every since. I still love my partner but the sadness about the end of our time together is gone. My fear of the future has lifted and I know that I can create an amazing future for myself which I have been actively doing since this program. Thank you Megan!
As a Reiki practitioner since 2007 and a Reiki Master since 2008 I’ve learned a lot from my clients. First off, they LOVED Reiki. They felt more relaxed and in the flow and they consistently noticed that life unfolded easier, health and well-being improved and problems seemed to melt away.
They also struggled to stay consistent in their sessions despite having tremendous results. The minute they stepped out of my clinic life took over and I wouldn’t see them again until they were in crisis mode. They would frequently tell me, “Megan, I love the sessions, but I just don’t have the time to come in regularly” or “I’d love to come more often, but I just can’t afford it right now.”
Over the years, these roadblocks prevented 100s of my clients from getting the help they needed and deserved.
I knew there had to be a better way.
That’s when I developed Reiki Daily, a revolutionary program that enables you to receive a customized daily session at less than what I used to charge for a single session!
If you’ve found us trust you’re in the right place because I created Reiki Daily just for you and I’m thrilled you are here.
I look forward to serving you and supporting you in living your Highest Life.
Blessings & Namaste.
Megan Gala
"No hassle...just healing!"
Questions? Please email or call (510) 463-1576